von Jörg A. Boder | Dez. 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Crises and emergencies can teach us a lot about solving long-term problems. They force us to try innovative ideas as a team. Apparently, we all find it easier to come up with quick solutions under high pressure. Let’s harness the power of a crisis and change the...
von Jörg A. Boder | Nov. 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
Do you know this very special moment of the first impression? According to studies, we make a judgment about whether a person is likeable or unlikeable within 100 milliseconds to 30 seconds. But why is that and can we still influence how the first impression turns...
von Jörg A. Boder | Okt. 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
Leadership skills have to be learned. Leading people such that they can develop and live their full potential is a masterpiece. Which is often still viewed too superficially and is afflicted with many clichés. In this blog I will provide you with five practical tips...
von Jörg A. Boder | Okt. 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
Company transformation in the current context succeeds when you put your employees first and inspire them with the company’s purpose. The current challenges are greater than ever. It is therefore all the more important to do everything possible now to ensure...
von Jörg A. Boder | Apr. 26, 2022 | Uncategorized
Our working practices have changed rapidly and drastically during this pandemic, transforming our business culture overnight. Old habits die hard, however, so if we want to keep the positive changes we’ve made and evolve our culture going forward, we need to be...